Design and Optimization of the Micro- Hydro Power System for Remote Areas of Pakistan

Muhammad Irfan Abid, Muhammad Shoaib Khalid, Muhammad Kamran, Muhammad Arshad Rasheed, Muhammad Farhan Masood, Tasawar Murtaza


The electricity price escalation  in Pakistan is increasing with an exponential rate because of the dominance of the foreign imported conventional source of energy. The consumer must pay an extra tax as the fuel adjustment in every month's electricity bill. Being the renewable energy source abundant country, Pakistan needs to exploit these energy sources for electricity production. This paper presents a micro-hydro energy system at the Jalala Disty canal in KPK Pakistan. A cite specific scheming of the planned microhydro project is introduced. RETScreen based modeling and optimization of the project are discussed. Net Present Value (NPV) and the Cost of Energy (COE) of the intended microhydro system is calculated. RETScreen optimization assessment confirmed the viability of the planned micro-hydro energy system built on the COE and the NPV. The arrangement is anticipated to retrieve all the expenses incurred in the 4th year of the total period of the planned project. Comparing with the baseline energy mix of the country, the proposed energy project is 100 % greenhouse gases (GHG) emission free project.


smart grid; renewable energy;energy optimization

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