Advanced Study of the Parabolic Trough Collector Using Aluminum (III) Oxide Seal

mostafa shayan Esmaeili, gholamhassan Najafi, Farzaneh Ghasemzadeh


Solar energy is the main source of all sorts of energy present in nature, i.e. all energy produced from it. So the direct use of solar energy as a useful energy is very important. There are numerous solar thermal projects in which the concentrated type collector heats up to 100 to 400 degrees Celsius. It is used in a wide range of applications, including power generation, industrial steam generation and hot water supply. Parabolic trough collector is chosen for steam production, since high temperatures can be achieved. The temperature of the inlet and outlet water, the mass flow rate, the usable heat gain and also the thermal efficiency of the collector are calculated. Theoretical values for heat loss of vacuum as the annulus gas is measured and compared with other values for heat loss of air as the annulus gas. In order to help preserve the vacuum within the annulus gap, a substitute glass-metal seal was created. The seal helped increased the heat loss and thereby improve the overall efficiency of the collector. It can be deduced from the band structure and density of the states of Al2O3 and is an outstanding insulator content. In addition, the assessment of the absorption coefficient showed a low energy range of 5.34 eV to 11.88 eV, with a median value of 11.50 eV and 11.88 eV respectively for parallel and perpendicular polarizations.


Heat loss, increase efficiency, parabolic trough, vacuum seal.

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