Software Defined Communication Network Reliability for Secondary Distribution Power Grid

Yona Andegelile, Hellen Maziku, Nerey Mvungi, Mussa Kissaka


Operations automation of Secondary Distribution Electrical Power Grid (SDEPG) requires reliable communication network to facilitate end to end power grid visibility and control through various sensors and actuators deployed across the power grid network. Available solutions to enhance communication network reliability have addressed mostly requirements for transmission and primary distribution portions of the grid, which use wired communication network technologies. The nature of SDEPG demands reliability solutions to incorporate a combination of wired and wireless technologies.

In this research we propose an SDN based, cross layers resilient communication network for SDEPG. The solution segments the SDEPG into three parts, namely access, aggregation and core networks. Since aggregation and core comprises of wired network, we adopt the resilience approach proposed by previous researchers. As for access network that is largely comprised of wireless network, we propose an algorithm that modifies the Radio Frequency (RF) parameters of failover Access Points (AP) to optimally cover abandoned clients when the serving AP fails.

The proposed solution was simulated using OPNET, that contain NS3 for the network simulation and mininet for SDN and was deployed in virtualized HP server. The simulation comprised of two access points and two stations. Traffic flow was initiated between two stations. With different failure scenarios simulated, our results revealed that in case of Access Point (AP) failure, the SDN controller seamlessly redirects users to a nearby AP while maintaining acceptable bandwidth, latency and availability


Software defined networking; Resilience; Secondary Distribution Electrical Power Grid

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