A Novel Solution to Eliminate Frequency Intermittency by Adding Spinning Reserve to the Micro-Hydro Turbine Generator using Real-Time Control of Induction Motor through AC-DC-AC Power Converters

Muhammad Farhan Masood, Muhammad Irfan Abid, Muhammad Shoaib Khalid, Tasawar Murtaza, Muhammad Arshad Rasheed, Habib Ur Rehman, Tausif Zahid


Small micro-hydro has a variable output in terms of frequency and voltage. Formerly Electronic Load Controller has been used to stabilize the output frequency of micro-hydro in which these ELCs wasted extra generated energy as heat. In this paper, a novel approach to handle these frequency variations by designing a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is proposed. Besides, the electronic governor of micro-hydro turbine generator is designed by incorporating a variable speed induction motor. Thus, the spinning reserve of the motor could be used for irrigation or water storage purposes by consuming extra generated power. Further, the DC bus of VFD enables the system to integrate with other Distributed Energy Sources (DES), which will be helpful in the future extension of the microgrid.


Micro Grid; Micro Hydro Power Plant; Variable Frequency Drive; Frequency Stabilization

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v4i4.120.g106


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