Assessing Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on Newly Developed Wind Turbine Emulator

Yasser Elsayed, Naggar H. Saad, Abdalhalim Zekry


Wind energy has the fastest and highest growth rate of any other Renewable energy sources (RES). Investigating the Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) is very important for improving efficiency. However, It is required a monumental accessible land space for installing Wind turbines(WT). Consequently, this paper presents the design and implementation of a Wind turbine emulator (WTE) to substitute WTs. The proposed WTE includes a new Maximum Point Power Tracking(MPPT) technique based on integrating binary search technique and genetic algorithm. The proposed emulator has an SQLite database as a repository of wind turbine information. Also, it has a graphical user interface(GUI) to facilitate the operation. System components have been modeled and simulated using MATLAB Simulink. Furthermore, a prototype is implemented based on a series excited DC motor and permanent magnet synchronous (PMSG). All static and dynamic characteristics have been investigated to prove the capabilities of the developed emulator. Also, an integration test has been conducted on real-time conditions of wind speed profile and working load for 24 hours to check the reliability. The experimental results are compared with the simulation results for validation and showed the capability of the proposed WTE of emulating a wide range of Wind turbines.


Renewable energy systems; Wind Turbine Emulator; DC motor, Wind energy conversion systems, Genetic Algorithm.

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