Implementation of Inverse Define Minimum Time Under and Over Voltage Relay

Md. Humayun Kabir Khan, Md Abdullah Al Rakib


The key purpose of this project is to invent a mechanism for high/low voltage tripping that will protect against danger. Microcontroller-based relays run rapidly and have less running time. Frequent variations are frequent in the availability of AC mains and the business.   A low path of resistance contributes to an extra current flow. Due to multiple causes, irregular overvoltages can occur. To secure the load, the tripping function is nice to have. The purpose of our project is to secure electrical devices using an Arduino above and below the voltage. The primary aim of this relay is to isolate the load by monitoring the relay tripping coil with Arduino from the over and under-voltage conditions. It detects any voltage greater than or less than 230V AC (pre-set value). In turn, when the voltage is greater than / less than the current value, it begins a trip signal that is provided to the circuit breaker, then removes the load from the circuit breaker source. Also, for relays, the Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) function is used. It is possible to expand this project further to over content relays.  As the sum of supply voltage increases, the trip time decreases for reverse time features and the relay operates accordingly. The relay operates on the stated time characteristics only after 5 seconds of failure, regardless of the sum of device voltage.  Where the voltage returns to the pre-set value, the relay is reset during relay service (230V AC).


Inverse define minimum time; protective relay; over-voltage; trip time; preset value; definite time.

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Online ISSN: 2602-439X

Publisher: ilhami COLAK

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