Design and Simulation of a Boost-Microinverter for Optimized Photovoltaic System Performance

Shahd Fadhil Jaber, Amina Mahmoud Shakir


Renewable energy sources are the most important type of energy since they are clean and do not affect the environment. Solar energy is a kind of renewable energy that is more popular than other sources. Photovoltaic (PV) systems use solar energy as a source of electricity. The main parts of any PV system are: PV panel, DC-DC converter with maximum power point tracking and a DC-AC inverter with an adequate control. The Photovoltaic system for this study comprises a boost converter, a full-bridge inverter and an LCL filter. The boost converter is controlled using the Maximum power point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm, while the inverter is controlled through a Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulator (SPWM).This paper provides a comparison performance between perturbation and observation [P&O] and particle swarm optimization [PSO] algorithms to get MPP for PV system. When the irradiance changes, the micro-inverter adapts under partial conditions. The micro-inverter is designed by MATLAB / Simulink/2020a software. The input maximum voltage from the PV is 80V direct current (DC) while alternating current [Ac] output voltage is 110 Vrms. The output voltage and current total harmonic distortion (THD) ratios are 2.58% and 2.76% respectively when the P&O algorithm is used , while that when using the PSO algorithm  are 2.45% and 2.58%.The PV system efficiency achieved by using P&O, PSO are 95.7%, 96.8%.


photovoltaic; MPPT algorithm; boost converter; H- Bridge inverter

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