Cost Analysis for Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil Plant in Egypt

Abdallah Sayed Ahmed Ali Elgharbawy


The depletion of fossil fuel forces the world to look for alternative ways for energy production. The most common way is the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil. This paper presents a detailed cost analysis for a biodiesel plant with capacity 100,000 ton/year. The cost analysis basis depends on the optimum conditions obtained from the experimental work that achieves biodiesel conversion of ≈ 99%. The study concludes that the project will achieve a good income that around four million US $ every year and the total net income during the life cycle of project is 72.5 million US $. The production cost of one liter biodiesel from used cooking oil is 0.515 $ while the global price of petro-diesel is 0.678 $/ liter and global biodiesel current price is 1 $/liter.

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Online ISSN: 2602-439X

Publisher: ilhami COLAK (istanbul Nisantasi Univ)

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