DPC- SVM of DFIG Using Fuzzy Second Order Sliding Mode Approach

Farida Mazouz, Sebti Belkacem, Ilhami Colak


The direct control power (DPC) of the of the double feed induction generator (DFIG) using conventional controllers based on PI regulators is characterized by poor results: Robustness properties are not guaranteed in the face of parametric uncertainties and strong ripple of the powers. From the best evoked control techniques presented in this field to overcome these drawbacks, we will study some improvement variants such as the use of The second order sliding mode control (SOSMC) developed on the basis of the super twisting torsion algorithm (STA) associated with the fuzzy logic control to obtain (FSOSMC) in order to obtain acceptable performance. Finally, the effectiveness of the planned control system is studied using Matlab/Simulink. The proposed method that not only reduces power ripples, but also improves driving dynamics by making it less sensitive to parameter uncertainty.


DFIG, DPC, SOSMC, FSOSMC, STA, Parametric Variations

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v5i4.219.g178


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