A Variable Speed Wind Turbine Flywheel Based Coordinated Control System for Enhancing Grid Frequency Dynamics

Kenneth Okedu


The uncertain nature of wind energy is an issue in the smooth operation of grid connected wind farms. Grid operations have to satisfy the stipulated grid codes for frequency control. In this paper, grid network that is made up of steamand hydro turbines are connected to three wind farms using different control topologies. The first wind farm consist of only fixed speed induction generator wind turbines. The second wind farm is composed of only variable speed Doubly FedInduction Generator (DFIG) wind turbines. A flywheel based DFIG system is used in the third wind farm. The reference power of the DFIG in the third windfarm is controlled in such a way as to smoothen its output during dynamics periods, while at the same time generate excess kinetic energy in the flywheel which is injected into the system to improve its performance. A comparative study was carried out on the dynamic performance of the grid network considering the same wind speed condition for the three schemes used in the wind farms. The coordinated control scheme in the third wind farm enhances the frequencyresponse and other variables of the power system. Simulations were carried out using Power System Computer Design and Electromagnetic Transient Including DC.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v2i2.22.g158


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