Innovative Air Bubble and Blood Leak Detection for Hemodialysis by Micro Intelligent Transducer

Mounir MEDDAD, Seddik Benhadouga, Aida CHÉRIF, Abdelhakim Belkaid, Adil EDDIAI


The increase in the market of the portable systems (biosensors, GPS, cellular telephones, portable computer…), related to a demand for materials entirely based on electronics, is accompanied by an increase in the mobility and needs energy for the communications and the data processing . All these systems are fed by piles or batteries which must be small, light, while getting a high autonomy. All the electronic sensors require the power, and this condition imposed limitations on the current consumed by the system established in a body, for example, the use of the sensors in the detection of the air bubbles in the haemodialysis machine was generally limited to certain arrangements due partly to cumbersome sources of energy and in more the absence of power and data acquisition system. It is announced rigorously that the presence of bubbles of air in blood circulation constitutes a mortal danger to the patient. Since this fault with which case, it occurs in the haemodialysis must be strictly detected with high precision in order to envisage the strict stopping of the haemodialysis and consequently to protect the patient in danger from death. In this paper, we presented the simulation results of a multilayer piezoelectric system and the associated electronic circuit; permitting to provide the necessary autonomy power supply to the monitoring and the detection of air bubbles and the arterial pressure control.


Hemodialysis, piezoelectric, generation of energy, system of storage

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