Design and Performance Evaluation of Numerical Relay for Three-Phase Induction Motor Protection
In today’s automated world, the three-phase induction motor is important electrical equipment. These motors are extensively used in industrial driving because they are simple to build, dependable, inexpensive, and simple to use. The performance of an induction motor is very important for maintaining the production process in the industry. This paper proposes a protection scheme for the motor against various types of electrical faults that affect its performance and efficiency. In conventional protection systems, one module is used for each fault, but in the proposed protection scheme, it is possible to protect three faults with one module. For this purpose, the current and voltage values of induction motors were measured using current and voltage transformers. Here, Arduino Uno automatically selects the IDMT characteristic according to the type and magnitude of the fault. The proposed scheme is simulated by Proteus software, followed by hardware implementation, and the performance evaluation of the protection system is done in the laboratory. When over-voltage, overload, and single-phase faults are detected while the motor is running, according to the algorithm, the Arduino-controlled operation system is immediately activated, and all necessary parameters are displayed on the LCD. The simulation results and the obtained experimental results were very similar.
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