The Method Based on Voltage Stability Margin to Load Shedding in the Power System

Alireza Abbaszadeh, Mehrdad Ahmadi Kamarposhti, Mohammad Yousefzadeh, Morteza Jalilirad


If the power is not increased by raising the load admittance and lowering the bus voltage, as a result, the voltage collapse with all its effects is realized, which results in the spread of disturbances in power systems. The final option is to eliminate the load during a significant disturbance. The stability margin may be extremely minimal. To do this, we need automatic equipment to reduce the stability margin and remove the load. In this method, the performance of each piece of equipment depends on the voltage level, and the disadvantage of this method is the dependence on the voltage level and stability range and power factor. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes new criteria for voltage stability. The power derivative s and the admittance derivative are employed in this equation. Given that power and admittance can be measured, this is fairly simple to execute. The load of the transformer tap changer is constantly shifting and turning on and off due to continuous load changes.


Load shedding; voltage drop; voltage stability; power system.

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