Optimization of Solar Cells with Various Shaped Surficial Nanostructures

Md. Kamruzzaman, Md. Anwarul Md. Anwarul Abedin


In this paper, the effect of different surficial nanostructure designs on the absorption efficiency of thin film GaAs solar cells is investigated numerically. For this, six surficial photonic nanostructures over a GaAs substrate have been applied and the optical properties are observed including reflectance, transmittance, and absorption. Two optimized surficial structures which have higher efficiency are used on a fundamental PN junction GaAs solar cell and the efficiency enhancement are observed along with some other electrical properties including open circuit voltage, short circuit current, and maximum power point. Current at maximum power point ware improved from 1.69 to 1.84 mA, the voltage at the maximum power point decreased by 0.02 volts. The fill factor is improved around 3% and the maximum efficiency is increased by around 1.24%. This work gives a clear idea of the possible techniques for applying surficial nanostructures for photon management and improving the thin-film GaAs solar cell efficiency.


Solar cells; nanoholes; nanostructures; square gratings; light trapping

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v7i2.283.g313


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