Amalgamation of Smart Grid with Renewable Energy Sources

Srikanth Goud, Thalanki Venkata Sai Kalyani, Kambhampati Venkata Govardhan Rao, Gadi Sanjeev


It is impossible to make efficient use of decentralised energy sources without first putting in place the technology that make smart grids possible. The smart grid is the future transformation of production methods and strategies as well as the interaction of all of the components of the electricity system. It is also referred to as the smart grid. The whole globe is presently grappling with the ever-increasing price of petroleum products, coal, and other commodities. At the same time, the cost of renewable energy power systems has been decreasing, which creates potential for renewable energy systems to handle the problem of electricity production. All of this is vital to keep in mind in view of the fact that the subject of climate change is becoming a more significant one of concern. As a result of this reality, the whole globe is today contending with the ever-increasing price of various commodities, including petroleum products, coal, and others. Having stated that, in order to carry out this activity, it is necessary to find a solution to the challenge of building an energy management system that is effective. The concept of a smart grid plays a significant role in this context and possesses the potential to be successfully applied in power distribution networks. In this paper, the study that was conducted on the topic of combining smart grid systems with renewable energy sources is discussed. We will begin by discussing the part that distributed generation and alternative forms of energy will play in the smart grid system as we move into the introduction. In addition to this, discussions and research are currently being conducted about both the concept of smart grid renewable energy systems and their various uses, as well as the PV smart grid system.

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Renewable energy sources available at

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