Study and Analysis of the Operation of a Cuk Converter for Precise Voltage Regulation

Merabet Hichem, Bahi Tahar, Boukadoum Aziz, Drici Djalel


This paper  focuses on the application of a Cuk converter for voltage regulation in electronic devices. The Cuk converter is a DC-DC voltage converter that uses a unique topology to regulate the  output voltage from a DC input voltage source. In this study, we examine the operation of the Cuk converter, model its behavior, analyze its performance, and optimize its design for various applications.

The Cuk converter has several advantages, including galvanic isolation, reduced switching losses, and the ability to use low voltage rating components. These advantages make it an ideal choice for powering electronic devices that require precise voltage regulation, such as sensor power supplies, control electronics, and wireless communication systems.

   Analyzing its performance Analyzing the converter's performance also involves examining its efficiency, output voltage regulation, and stability under varying load conditions.

Simulation results with MATLAB/Simulink provide evidence of the performance of the converter’s control in photovoltaic systems applications; it is able to make the output voltage stable when rapid changes occur in the input parameters.


Cuk converter; voltage regulation; Control; Stability; Simulation

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