Remote monitoring and analysis of productivity indicators of photovoltaic energy generation systems
A Photovoltaic (PV) System is a technology that converts sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic cells, mainly composed of solar modules and an inverter. The Federal Institute of Minas Gerais has 25 photovoltaic plants that generate sustainable energy and have a total installed capacity of 867.88 kWp. However, continuous monitoring of these systems has become a challenge due to a lack of specialized teams and availability on campuses. To overcome this limitation, a research project at IFMG was developed to monitor the plants daily. This involves analysis using the PVsyst software, implementation of dashboards for productivity indicators visualization, measures to streamline monitoring, and maintenance practices at the plants. The PVsyst software made it possible to model the plants that make up IFMG's photovoltaic generation. To this end, our models for each plant took into account several factors, namely: meteorological data, load profile, feeder tariffs, etc. Among all IFMG plants, theoretical data obtained through the PVsyst software can be cited, whose annual values are: Total horizontal irradiation (GlobHor) of 1765.9 kWh/m2, Diffuse horizontal irradiation (DiffHor) of 836.49 kWh/m2, Ambient temperature of 23.79 °C, Global incidence on the sensor plane (GlobInc) of 1770.9 kWh/m2, Global effective (GlobEff) of 1724.1 kWh/m2, Effective energy at the exit of the group of 64.87 MWh, Energy injected into the grid of 63.33 MWh and Performance Index (PR) of 0.797. PVsyst is simulation software used to model photovoltaic systems, from small residential sizes to large utilities, which is why its use is justified.
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