Analysis of Genetic and Cuckoo Search Algorithms for MPPT in Partial Shaded

Yousra izgheche, Tahar Bahi, Amira Lakhdara


The exploitation of solar energy through photovoltaic technology has become crucial for electricity production. To maximize this production, optimizing solar radiation is essential. However, various challenges for example fixed structures, structures, and winds carrying sand particles can diminish light intensity, thereby reducing efficiency. These conditions may result in multiple maximum power points appear on the static characteristic of maximum power as a function of photovoltaic voltage. curve. Consequently, more efficient metaheuristic algorithms for maximum power point tracking are needed to ensure optimal operation, particularly during inclement weather and instances of partial shading, such as non-uniform irradiation.  This work provides a comparative analysis of metaheuristic approaches specifically Cuckoo Search and Genetic Algorithm, used for tracking the maximum power point in photovoltaic systems under partial shading conditions.


Photovoltaic, Shading; Optimization metaheuristic; Cuckoo Search; Genetic algorithm.

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