Sustainability and Energy Equity: Bridging Gaps for a Just Transition

Hafize Nurgul Durmus Senyapar, Samet Ayik, Ramazan Bayindir


This study investigates the convergence of sustainability and energy equity, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities that shape equitable global energy transitions. Despite advances in renewable energy technologies, systemic inequities persist in access, affordability, and participation, disproportionately impacting marginalized and underserved communities. The research identifies critical barriers, including economic, infrastructural, policy, and social challenges, and evaluates innovative strategies such as community-led initiatives, equity-focused policies, and advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and smart grids. The study proposes collaborative pathways for policymakers, technologists, and communities to co-create inclusive and sustainable energy systems by integrating equity considerations into energy policies and practices. The findings underscore the indivisibility of energy equity and sustainability, advocating for inclusive policymaking, technological innovation, and grassroots empowerment to achieve environmental and social justice. This work contributes to the discourse on designing energy systems that are both environmentally sustainable and socially equitable, providing actionable insights for addressing climate justice and fostering a just energy transition.


Energy Equity, Sustainable Energy Transition, Policy Integration, Climate Justice, Inclusive Policymaking, Just Transition

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