Balancing LV Distribution Networks in the Context of the Smart Gird

Vitor Pires, Natália M.R. Santos, Armando Cordeiro, José L. Sousa


One of the problems that Low Voltage (LV) distribution networks face is related to unbalance loads. These networks are characterized by the existence of single phase loads that will unbalance the network. Due to this, there are higher losses, voltage unbalances and the possibility to emerge voltage levels that are not accepted by the legislation. However, due to the change in the actual paradigm regarding the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the LV distribution networks and the implementation of Smart-Grids (SG), it is possible to improve the quality of those networks. This work presents an overview of the technologies and strategies that have been introduced in the context of the Smart-Grids to attenuate the unbalance loads’ problems. To verify such impact, it will also be presented a study of a real network. This study will show the benefits resulting from the mitigation of this problem on the context of the SG.


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