Hybrid Renewable Energy System with Storage for Electrification – Case Study of Remote Northern Community in Canada
This paper’s primary objective constitutes addressing accessibility to modern energy as well as examining alternatives for diminishing petroleum derivative independency upon production of electricity for both underserved communities and remote northern populaces that are influenced by the negative effects of climatic changes heavily; an example here is Ontario, Canada’s Red Lake, which is Canadian isolated northern populations’ part. Accordingly, the execution of this microgrid advances improved well-being care as well as instruction while ensuring the green ecological factor in order to battle conditions of global warming within Ontario’s energy sector. Additionally, the electrification is needed to support the isolated communities as well as the nation to accomplish increasingly swift viable and societal goals. This investigation is carried out utilising the Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables tool referred to as HOMER. Various simulations with different setups were examined. It has been discovered that the microgrid with the utilisation of numerous sustainable power sources blend delivers an optimum result.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v3i2.58.g47
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