Integration of Decentralized Generations into the Distribution Network- Smart Grid Downstream of the Meter



For several years now, public electric utilities have been turning to smart grid technology, on the one hand, to deal with power grid management and operation and to meet new consumer demands on the other. However, overcoming the integration constraints of intermittent and predictable renewable energy production remains one of the primary objectives of this action. It is within this framework, that we have developed a solution that involves implementing a smart grid system downstream of the meter that will scratch onto the smart grid of the network manager upstream of the meter to complete it and give it a lot of flexibility. This system called 'TAKATI' allows one to calculate the production forecasts of the renewable energy plants, to take charge of the load shedding priorities decided by the customer, to establish the optimal power supply scheme, to order the cut-off devices of the customer's internal installation for the execution of the optimal scheme, to communicate with the Distribution Network Manager (DNM), to ensure compliance with the DNM's directives with regard to active and reactive powers to be injected on the power grid by acting on the receivers and capacitors and responding to requests for deletion and making the necessary arrangements in such cases.


Smart Grid; Smart Meter; Production Prediction of Wind Turbines and PV Power Plants; HVA and LV Network.

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