Power Situation in Oman and Prospects of Integrating Smart Grid Technologies
The sultanate of Oman maintained a stable development growth in the last 50 years. Consequently, the electricity sector in Oman continued to keep pace with the resulting development, given the size of the electricity network and the new technologies used in the different levels of the power system. This paper presents the current power situation in Oman, considering the prospects of the penetration of smart grid technologies with the national grid. The paper gives an extensive review of Oman power system, with regards to the possible locations of wind and solar energy potentials. The roles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and the Data Management Scheme (DMS) smart technologies were also presented with respect to the Oman national grid. Furthermore, the topologies of energy sales and smart metering were considered as some of the salient benefits of the integration of smart grid technologies in the Sultanate power grid.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v5i1.161.g139
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