Roadmap for Smart Metering Deployment in Cameroon

Felix YEM SOUHE, Camille MBEY, Alexandre Teplaira Boum, Pierre ELE


This article is a contribution to the elaboration of a roadmap that will help move from classical metering systems to smart metering in Cameroon.  The aim is to eliminate errors in index reading and billing, frauds that lead to outages for non-payment. The meeting with staff, the annual report of the energy distribution company, the implementation in other countries and the documentations of development strategy in Cameroon, allow us to elaborate a roadmap for smart metering in Cameroon. This roadmap is divided into two phases resumed as follows: the first phase is to put in place a national monitoring committee, its functional organization chart, and its missions; the second phase is the deployment of equipment. We will start in large cities, followed by medium cities and end with smaller cities. This roadmap could serve as a guide to deploy smart meters in the Central Africa sub-region and any other country in the need.


smart grid; renewable energy;energy

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