Application of STA Methods and Modified SVM Strategy in Direct Vector Control System of ASG Integrated to Dual-Rotor Wind Power: Simulation Studies

Habib habib0264 BENBOUHENNI


This work presents the direct vector control (DVC) strategy of the asynchronous generator (ASG) with the application of super-twisting algorithms (STAs) and modified space vector modulation (MSVM). Two different strategies are designed to regulate the active and reactive powers of the asynchronous generator (ASG) driven by a variable speed dual-rotor wind power (DRWP). The main goal of the designed DVC method is to improve the quality of energy of the DRWP system by minimizing torque undulations, reactive and active power undulations in the ASG-DRWP systems. The mathematical model of the ASG has been described. The descriptions of the two-level MSVM technique and the STA method have been presented. The DVC-MSVM strategy with STA algorithms has been described. The simulation studies of the DVC-MSVM strategy with STA strategy have been performed, and the results of this study are presented and discussed.


Direct vector control, Asynchronous generator, Super-twisting algorithm, Modified space vector modulation, Variable speed dual-rotor wind power .

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