Wind Energy Potential by the Weibull Distribution at High-Altitude Peruvian Highlands

Elmer Rodrigo Aquino Larico


Wind energy in recent years has experienced accelerated growth compared to other renewable energy sources, therefore it is important to determine the potential of wind energy available for application in wind systems. The objective of this study was to determine the energy potential by means of the Weibull distribution and the wind rose in the Peruvian highlands at an altitude of more than 3800 m. The two-parameter Weibull distribution function method was used to estimate the profile of the wind speed and the wind perspective, based on observations of the wind during one year by the meteorological station located in the Peruvian highlands of Juliaca. The results show that the wind characteristics are irregular, where the annual mean shape and scale parameters were 2.16 and 2.20 m/s evaluated 24 hours, however, the mean annual shape and scale parameters in the afternoons were 5.01 and 4.46 m/s respectively. Therefore, this site presents a high wind energy potential in the afternoon, because the wind flow is not constant during the 24 hours, but it is in the afternoons.


Parameters; wind; Weibull distribution; wind energy.

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