Remote Real-time Power Analysis and Management System

Syed Zain Rahat Hussain, Junaid Ahmed Memon, Minhaj Ahmed Moin, Asad Osman


For many progressing and advancing nations, the electric energy measurement infrastructure is inadequate in terms of the lack of real-time measurement of power quality and quantity, as well as the connectivity to the central data collection station. To overcome such issues, more modern methods of sensing and distributing electrical energy must be explored and implemented. In this article, we present a LoRa-based real-time load monitoring and control system that can measure the amount (voltage, current, and power) and the quality (power factor and harmonics) of the electricity being supplied, as well as provide remote power cut and restore functionality through an IoT SCADA server. The proposed system included a microcontroller-based Data Acquisition (DAQ) system, a LoRa radio-based Data Communication Network (DCN), a Raspberry Pi-based Online Gateway, and an online SCADA server to gather and present data. The system is powered by the main power line, which is also being measured, and a battery backup system to prevent data loss in the event of a power outage or fault. Through Proteus and MATLAB simulations, the system was evaluated before being implemented on the hardware, and the results of both are described. The system was energy efficient, owing to the usage of the LoRa wireless technology, and was accurate in analyzing the power consumption characteristics of loads in real-time, tested in comparison to standard laboratory equipment.


Pakistan; Smart Electricity; Smart Metering; Data Acquisition System; Internet-of-Things; Advanced Metering Infrastructure; Real-time monitoring; Control; Microcontroller; LoRa; Wireless Communication; SCADA Server; Simulations; Proteus; MATLAB

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