Comparative Study of Synergetic Controller with Super Twisting Algorithm for Rotor Side Inverter of DFIG

Habib Benbouhenni, Hamza Gasmi


This work presents the implementation of direct active and reactive powers control (DARPC) with nonlinear controllers (synergetic controller (SC) and super twisting algorithm (STA)) for the rotor side converter of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) connected to the multi-rotor wind turbine (MRWT) system, as an alternative to the DARPC  technique with STA controllers. In this work, DARPC is based on the nonlinear controllers and space voltage vector technique. Modified space vector modulation (MSVM) technique is applied to compose fixed-switching-frequency DARPC strategy, which replaces the switching table and hysteresis comparators technique in classical DARPC technique. DFIG's mathematics model and the two control techniques are given, and the simulations of DFIG based on DARPC-SC and DARPC-STA are made separately by Matlab software. In this work, two tests are proposed in order to verify the behavior of the proposed strategies, where the comparison between the strategies is in several aspects such as current quality, traceability of references, robustness, and ripple ratio. Simulation results show that the strategy based on synergetic control is better in terms of response time, ripple ratio, and electric current quality compared to other strategies.


Super twisting algorithm, synergetic controller, multi-rotor wind turbine, direct active and reactive powers control.

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