Use of Coconut Shell Become an Alternative Electricity

Sardi Salim, Ade Irawaty Tolago


Abstract- The condition of non-renewable energy reserves is currently running low. Therefore an alternative is needed to divert use to renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are natural energy that is easy to obtain and always available. Renewable energy sources, such as coconut shells, can be easily obtained and widely available throughout Indonesia. This study points to determine the esteem of electrical energy generated from coconut shells with various compositions. The research method uses the experimental method. The coconut shell material is first made into bio briquettes. The quality standard for bio briquettes refers to the Indonesian National Standard 01-6235-2000, where a good bio briquette water content is at most 8%. To determine the combustion rate, a test was carried out using a biomass stove. The results showed that coconut shell-based bio briquettes had better quality, where for a mass of 200 grams, the water content was 6.48%, and the cellulose value was 35%. The resulting calorific value is 5664.8 cal/gram, and the burning rate is 0.236 gram/minute. Through the energy conversion process using the Thermoelectric Module, coconut shell bio briquettes with a mass of 200 – 400 grams can produce an average of 13.35 Wh of electrical energy.


renewable energy, coconut shell, thermoelectric, energy resources, electrical energy

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