Analysis of Charging Systems for Electric Vehicle
The charging system plays a key factor for the financial breakthrough of electromobility and customer acceptance with charging performance, charging duration, availability, convenience. In the state of the art, there are three major charging systems (conductive, inductive and automated). In recent years, there are always new requirements from laws, standards and norms for charging systems. These requirements are important and critical for the use and further development of the charging systems. With this work three charging systems (conductive, inductive and automated) are analyzed, evaluated and the requirements from current norms, standard and laws summarized as well as recommendations given. Here the regulation of the maximum possible charging power of the battery for a charging process is presented and the charging power and efficiency between the conductive and inductive charging systems are compared. All three charging systems are compared in terms of performance, cost, convenience. Automated charging system brings more opportunity for the future in terms of significant improvement of customer acceptance (comfortable and fast charging).
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