Rotor flux and electromagnetic torque regulation of DFIG using dual PI controllers

Habib Benbouhenni


This paper presents a novel direct torque command (DTC) of the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind power systems (WPSs) using new linear controllers to improve the current quality. The designed DTC employs a dual proportional-integral (DPI) controller to directly calculate the required rotor command voltage to eliminate the instantaneous errors of rotor and torque without involving any synchronous coordinate transformations. Thus, no extra current command loops are required, thereby simplifying the DFIG-WPS design and enhancing the transient performance. The proposed strategy is characterized by simplicity, outstanding performance, quick dynamic response, and ease of implementation. The proposed strategy is applied to the rotor side converter of DFIG in order to improve the quality of current and power while using a grid side converter with an uncontrolled inverter (diodes) to simplify the system and reduce its cost. Modified space vector modulation is used to generate the pulses needed to operate the generator inverter, which eases the designs of the AC harmonic filter and the power converter. Simulation results on a 1.5 MW DFIG-WPS are provided and compared with those of the traditional DTC strategy and DTC-DPI technique. The designed DTC-DPI provides enhanced transient performance similar to the traditional DTC technique and keeps the steady-state error at the same level as the DTC technique. The proposed strategy reduced the THD of current by an estimated 28.57% compared to the traditional strategy.


Direct torque control, doubly-fed induction generator, dual proportional-integral, steady-state error, modified space vector modulation.

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