An overview of the topologies of DC circuit breakers in DC microgrids.

Muhammad Usman Raza, Ibtisam Raza, Zahid Maqbool, Bawar Masih, Farhan Iqbal


A notable step towards precisely matching the load demand with dispersed technology for the destiny strength machine is the expansion of DC micro grids. Due to the capabilities benefits of DC machines over AC technology, DC micro grids are an effective solution for the unanticipatedly rising need for DC packages and loads. However, the significant demands placed on its safety undercut the growing advantages of the developing DC micro grid system. The current safety protocols are significantly impacted by DC micro grid topologies that change over time. This problem is also exacerbated by the fault types and contemporary nature of defects. The DC micro grid protection is also challenged by the short-term, rapid development of fault modernity, which has a big impact on the safety layer for expensive mass and power converters. The DC link capacitor of the converter has discharged, which is the cause of this. The DC circuit breakers' subroutine was restrained from zero crossings of fault currents. Conduction loss, the need for operating speed, fault modernity coping capabilities, and value are the main factors that prevent DCCB deployment from progressing. This study has explicitly analyzed the current tactics alongside the jurisdiction for the safety requirements towards the proclivity of future DC micro grids in order to handle all of the events relating to the safety of DC micro grids.


DC circuit breakers; dc microgrids; hybrid dc beakers; solid state dc breakers; mechanical dc breakers

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