Smart Power Conditioning Unit Utilizing Enhanced Inc-Con MPPT for Photovoltaic Power Plants

Abdelhakim Belkaid, Korhan Kayisli, ILHAMI COLAK, Slimane HADJI, Ouahib GUENOUNOU


To optimize the performance of a solar energy system, integrating a smart power converter featuring an appropriate Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control between the PV source and the load is essential. This intelligent converter, also known as a power conditioning unit (PCU), serves to maximize power extraction from the solar panel through real-time impedance matching. The proposed PCU incorporates a boost DC-DC converter controlled by an advanced smart energy recovery technique utilizing an improved Incremental Conductance (Inc-Con) algorithm.

Validation of the proposed PCU model, interfacing a sixty watts module with a DC load, was conducted using Matlab tools. The designed system demonstrates exceptional efficacy, delivering optimal performance across transient and stable states, notwithstanding fluctuations in environmental conditions.

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