Optimizing Power Quality: Simulation of UPQC Integrated PV with Comprehensive Reliability and Performance Analysis



The integration of PV systems with a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) is examined in this presentation. Shunt and series voltage compensators linked back-to-back with a common dc-link compose the PV-UPQC. The series active power filter ensures the maintenance of the desired magnitude without distortion. Meanwhile, the shunt active power filter injects harmonic currents into the grid with equal amplitude and opposite phase, obtained by utilizing the PQ theory technique for shunt APF control and the Unit Vector Template Generation (UVTG) approach for series APF control. The study reveals promising results in terms of improved power quality, harmonics reduction, and effective voltage stabilization.


UPQC; Power Quality; Harmonics; PV systems

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v8i1.333.g338


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