Protection Strategy for Distribution Systems with Reverse Power Relays In the Presence of DG Resources
The protection of distribution systems is an important issue; without it, a power or distribution system cannot operate properly. On the other hand, distributed generation generation (DG) is trendy nowadays, and therefore the protection of power systems with the presence of distributed generation sources should also be considered. On the other hand, due to the radial nature of the distribution networks, scattered production sources cause the coordination between the protective equipment in the network to be disturbed. With the existing methods, it is difficult to perform this protective coordination. In this research, a new protection strategy for distribution systems with the presence of distributed generation sources is investigated. The homogenization of distributed resources in existing distribution networks (DN) presents several technical issues: economic and regulatory questions. The typical distribution system has a radial nature characterized by a single resource. Therefore, the voltages towards the end of the feeder from the source change the radial nature of the distribution and cause the current to flow. In the reverse direction, if a DG is added to the system, or there is any fault in the power supply/termination, the DG will exceed the local load. That is, the strong pressure on the network causes the existing protection system of distribution networks to be against these changes. To solve this problem, a reverse power relay (RPR) is proposed to protect the power system voltage fluctuations, which is a directional power relay that controls the power flow from a generator (concentrated). By adding a relay for each distributed generation, network protection is improved and network reliability is increased. and solved the adaptive protection of distribution networks with a distributed generation source. Also, the mentioned designs will be implemented on a sample distribution network using MATLAB software.
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