Direct Vector Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Turbine System Using Five-Level NSVM and Two-Level NSVM Technique



This paper represents modelling & simulation of direct vector control (DVC) for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) using two-level neural space vector modulation (NSVM) and five-level NSVM technique.  This paper provides the solution through direct vector control & NSVM strategy for multilevel inverter. A comparison and performance of two-level and five-level inverter are used in DFIG to control reactive power, active power, rotor current and electromagnetic torque. Matlab simulation environment is taken to simulate direct vector control for DFIG-based wind turbine system (WTS) using two-level and five-level inverter, so reactive and active power ripple minimization, lower order harmonics are reduced, electromagnetic torque, active and reactive power are determined through simulation results. The applications under operating conditions are performed better THD, better reliability in DFIG-based WTSs.

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