Transient Stabilization Improvement of Induction Generator Based Power System using Robust Integral Linear Quadratic Gaussian Approach
electricity throughout the world. A safe and reliable operation of interconnected power system is possible when all
the generators remain at synchronism state. Stability problem aries when the damping torque of these generators
is reduced due to the effect of different uncertainties, faults and dynamic loads. The result of insufficient damping
torque may deviate the speed of the generators and produce unsafe operation of power system due to the loss of
stability and robustness of terminal voltage and rotor angle. In this paper, a nobel integral linear-quadratic Gaussian
(ILQG) controller is designed to regulate the oscillation of power system for increasing stability and robustness. The
better performance of the proposed controller is ensured by comparing it with the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR)
and the linear-quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controllers. The comparison results ensure the optimum performance of
the proposed controller against uncertainties and fault as compared to the LQR and LQG controller.
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