Energy-Economic Optimization of Thin Layer Photovoltaic on Domes and Cylindrical Towers

Mostafa Shayan Esmaeili, Gholamhassan Najafi


In Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems, Thin Layer Photovoltaic Integrated into the building which regularly is the outside Weathering Skin.  Conventional photovoltaic systems can not be applied to arched facades. During this research, photovoltaic system supported elastic solar panels were evaluated on a Model layer of 1m2 and 56W. A flexible system was analyzed in real terms on a flat, cylindrical and hemispherical surface. Environmental data were communicated on-line into LabVIEW software. The smallest quantity of fill factor (FF) relates to a flat surface and also the systems once installed on the cylindrical and hemispherical surfaces, have a fill factor of 0.88 and 0.84, respectively. The maximum power related to system deployment on the cylinder surface is 59.87W, whereas the minimum power of the system when deployed on the flat surface is 57.84W . The most effective power in the RSM deployment on the hemispherical surface is equal to 61.14W. The system's performance under standard conditions on the cylinder and dome surfaces are measured 7.45%. The quantity of laboratory power output was related to the hemispherical, cylindrical, and flat surfaces, and its value is 46.7W, 55.1W and 57.5W respectively. The economic justification was ranked based on the hemispherical, cylindrical and flat surfaces, respectively. According to the Taguchi, the maximum power reported 59.87W at the cylindrical that doesn't match the actual test model. The second power level has been reported on a hemisphere, which is corresponded to the actual test.


Thin Layer; Photovoltaic; LabVIEW; dome surfaces; Taguchi

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